Leran Chinese

When travelling in China, it will let you China tour more joyful to learn some simple words or sentences about how to greeting in Chinese. When you are looking for a destination or a hotel in China, opening with “Ni Hao” and then you may get help from locals. Besides, there are many interesting short sentences can help you to go smoothly during your China experience. We lists some daily frequent used Chinese greeting sentences for your reference as below:

Sentences for beginning a talk

English Greetings
Chinese Greetings
Chinese Characters
Ni Hao
Good morning
Zao Shang Hao
Good afternoon
Xia Wu Hao
Good evening
Wan Shang Hao
Note: in Chinese, “hi” can be understood by most Chinese, so it is a multi-functional word to begin a talk such as asking road or some helps.

Sentences for beginning friends’ talks

English Greetings
Chinese Greetings
Chinese Characters
Ni Hao
How are you
Ni Hao Ma
Welcome to China
Huan Ying Lai Zhong Guo
Hey! Friends!
Hai! Peng You!
Long time no see
Hao Jiu Bu Jian
When you have friends in China, you can use about sentences to begin your talking.
“Long time no see” is used for greeting to the person who has already been your friend for a long time.

Sentences for using in some normal situation:

English Greetings
Chinese Greetings
Chinese Characters
Excuse me
Da Rao Yi Xia/Jie Guo
Thank you
Xie Xie
You’re welcome
Bu Yong Xie
Bu Hao Yi Si/Dui Bu Qi
See you/Good bye
Zai Jian
Bu Yao
The above sentences can be widely used during so many situations, such as
When you want to walk through the crowded people, you can say “Jie Guo (借过)”
When you step or interrupt others unconsciously, you can say “Bu Hao Yi Si (不好意思)”
When you are push to do something you dislike, you can say “Bu Yao (不要)”

A special sentence for greeting friends in China – Ni Chi Le Ma
Ni Chi Le Ma?
Chinese characters: 你吃了吗?
In English: Do you have the meal?
“Ni Chi Le Ma” is a very very traditional greeting between friends in China. This sentence is just like “how are you” in English. No need to have the exact answer, just a way to say hello to neighbours, friends, relatives, or even the vendors who can be seen on every day.

Bargain while shopping

How much is this? 这个多少钱?(zhè gè duō shǎo qián)
Too expensive. 太贵了。(tài guì le)
Can you come down a bit? 可以少点儿吗? (kě yǐshǎo diǎn ér ma)
Still too expensive. 还是太贵了。(hái shì tài guì le)
No, thanks. 不要了,谢谢 (bú yào le .xiè xiè)

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