Niubeiliang National Forest Park

About 42 km away from Xian City, the Niubeiliang National Forest Park is located at Yingpan town in Zhashui County on southern slope of Qinling Mountain. Located on the highest peak of the region,the mountain forms a shape looking like the back of huge ox, hence its name Niubeiliang (Back of Ox Mountain). It is home to more than 20 kinds of rare animals and precious herbs.

What to see?

With 1000-2802m above sea level and total area of 2123ha, it boasts forest coverage up to 91.3%.  In this area, there are rich resources and biodiversities. There are 134 wild animals such as takin, leopard, golden eagle and black stork, and more than 1400 rare plants including abies chensiensis, kiwi fruit and azalea. Exquisite landscape is characterized by queerness, steepness, freshness and sereneness. It is honored as a “natural oxygen bar” for steep mountains, clean water, silent valley, dense trees and precipices.

In December 2004, Niubeiliang Scenic Area was ratified as a provincial forest park; in January 2008, it was upgraded to Shaanxi Niubeiliang National Forest Park. Peculiarity of geographic position and climatic condition forms a boundary of natural scenery between north and south. While you’re walking in the park, you’ll see a wonderful scene for every step forward. Major scenic spots are: thunder-split stone, Heiyagou waterfall, red birch forest, mountain-watching ridge, marshy grassland, remnants of glaciation, bitter bamboo see, and mountain azalea. 

Travel Tips

Add: 42 km away from Xian City, at Yingpan town in Zhashui County on southern slope of Qinling Mountain.

Entrance Fee: CNY 110
Opening Hours:08:00-17:30
How to get there: trake bus from Xian or Shangluo City to Zhashui County and then take to the park.

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