Taoping Qiang Ethnic Village

Taoping Qiang Ethnic Village is located in Taoping Township, Li County, Sichuan Province. Siting in the north mountains and facing to the south, the village has a strict layout. It is called the mysterious “Oriental Castle” because of its typical Qiang ethnic group architecture and staggered complex passage structure. Here you can see the living fossils of the Yi culture and art that are very well preserved.

Walking into Taoping Qiang Village, you can see the ancient residences of the Qiang people with thousands of years of history and simplicity. Most of the houses are two to three stories. Generally, people live upstairs, and farm tools or cattle and sheep are kept downstairs. Take a walk around and experience the local architectural style and customs and experience a slow life. 

Travel Tips
Address: Taoping Township, the eastern edge of Li County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture
Level: AAAA
Tel: 13618143628, 0837-6836008, 0837-5183318
Opening hours: Summer 8:00-18:00, winter 8:30-17:30.
Entrance Fee: CNY 60

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