Hejian Ancient Government Office

Hejian Government Office, built in 1108 during the Northern Song Dynasty, is an ancient mansion with a long history.  It is a government office as the "first capital of southern Beijing" which has a magnificent momentum. 
 According to records, in the old days, the Hejian Government Office was facing north and south. It was magnificent and divided into east, middle, and west roads. The first sight was the big picture wall, and then stepped into the gate. There are officials on both the east and west sides, which are the offices of the officials. If you continue to go north, it is the lobby, which is the place where the government's Yamen tried cases.

This place fully retains the historical features of Hejian Government Office, and contains a lot of precious inscriptions and historical materials. It is also a must-go place to understand the history and culture of Hejian.

Travel Tips
Address: 97 Hongpailou Street, Hejian City, Cangzhou City
Phone: 0317-3651088
Opening hours: 08:001-8:00
Entrance Fees: CNY 40

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