Daqinggou National Nature Reserve

Daqinggou ReserveDaqinggou National Nature Reserve is located in the territory of Horqin Left Wing Rear Banner, with Shenyang of Liaoning Province 190 kilometers southeast. Horqin City is 100 kilometers to the north and Ganqika Town, the place where the government of the banner is located, is 25 kilometers to the east.

It is a well-preserved ancient geological site. Daqinggou is 10 kilometers in length, 200-300 meters in width and about 100 meters in depth. There is boundless water outside of the gorge and many mountains, beautiful woods and tall trees there.

The uniqueness of Daqinggou lies in its diversity. Sights include forests, grasslands, deserts, lakes and rivers. There are more than 700 plants in Daqinggou. In the spring, the flowers are beautiful; in summer, green shade covers the whole area; in autumn, the maple leaves are like fire and in winter, it is misty. Stepping into Daqinggou in summer will rid you of the summer heat. In the freezing winter, Daqinggou is as warm as it is in the spring.

Main tourist activities include viewing the primitive forest, exploration, roaming the desert, lake fishing, horse-riding and playing and a grassland campfire song and dance performance.

Travel Tips
Add: in the territory of Horqin Left Wing Rear Banner
Opening Hours: 08;00-18:00
Entrance Fees: CNY 80

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