Zhangjiajie Weather and Tours in July

July is the hottest month in Zhangjiajie.There is an area where quartzite rock spires spike up with green plants on them. The contrast is beautiful, and these quartzite rock spires have inspired generations of painters.Rafting on Mengdong River is adventurous with torrents of water careening at sharp turns and off steep ramps.

Zhangjiajie Weather In July

July is the hottest month in Zhangjiajie. The average temperature is 29 °C (84 °F). The average high temperature is 35 °C (95 °F), and the average low temperature is 24 °C (75 °F). Rainfall is high, but less than in June. There is about 155 mm of total precipitation each July, and it rains about 11 days of the month. 

What to Wear ?

Summer clothing should keep you cool, but cover your skin if you plan on river rafting or walking on sunny days. Mosquitoes and sunburn are things to avoid. Bring long sleeved clothing if you plan to stay overnight in the reserve. A hat and sunglasses will help protect you from solar radiation. If you plan on hiking or walking up stairs, drink a lot of water and wear a hat on sunny days to prevent heatstroke, and make sure your shoes have good traction.

Things to Do in Zhangjiajie in July

To escape the heat: We suggest going up or down. You can go up to the Zhangjiajie Nature Reserve, where it is cooler, or go down to the rivers for river rafting and swimming. The Wulingyan Park area has both mountain scenery and water fun to enjoy.

River Raft on Maoyan or Mengdong: Rafting on Mengdong River is adventurous with torrents of water careening at sharp turns and off steep ramps. The scenery alongside the river is breathtakingly gorgeous. Maoyan has areas of rapids with tame water in between. You can float by amazing waterfalls and scenery.

Explore Wulingyuan: There is an area where quartzite rock spires spike up with green plants on them. The contrast is beautiful, and these quartzite rock spires have inspired generations of painters. One of the pillars is amazing at 3,544 feet (1 kilometer) tall. The rock formations are quite unusual, and it is a UNESCO Global Geopark. They are reminiscent of the sandstone pillars at Bryce Canyon in America.

Stay cool at Tianzishan: Tianzishan (天子山) is a mountain in the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. The Tianzishan Nature Reserve is a good place to go to keep cool. The mountain is more than a kilometer high (4,140 feet) above sea level, and it covers 67 square kilometers (16,000 acres). The average temperature is a cool 12 °C (54 °F).

Besides beautiful scenery, enjoy hiking on the paths and seeing animals. To avoid hiking up the mountains, you can see these charming peaks via a tramway that is about 2 kilometers (2,280 yards) long. From the vantage point, you can survey the mountain and the whole area.

Zhangjiajie Tour in July

It is High Travel Season in July. School summer vacation is in July in China, and the weather is fine, so it is a high travel month in Zhangjiajie. But there are still less tourists than in August and the early fall. Hotel rates are high, perhaps double what is would be in low season, and tickets for flights and trains may be twice as expensive too. It is advisable to book in advance. We'll try to arrange hotel accommodations you'll appreciate with our experience, and we might also help with tickets, so you won't need to waste time in lines at ticket counters.

Recommended Zhangjiajie Tours

If you need detailed travel information, please see Zhangjiajie Tours on our website. Three or four days would be sufficient to enjoy all the beauty in the area. Almost all of our tourists tailor their tour for their budget & interests.

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