Qin Hou 覃垕

Qin Hou,( ?--1371), was one of the famous Tujia Ethnic heroes in Zhangjiajie. He lived in Maogang Village,today's Yongding District,Zhangjiajie City.In the late Yuan Dynasty,Qin Hou led a group of Tujia people up-rising to fight against the Yuan Dynasty.In 1368,he was orderded as the leader of Cili Prefecture by Zhu Yuanzhang,the emperor and founder of the Ming Dynasty.Qin Hou became the King Tusi of Zhangjiajie Tujia Ethnic Minority after the emperor Zhu Yunanzhang ended the Yuan Dynasty in 1368.

Qin Hou Qin Hou

Being inequality with Han nationality in the early Ming Dynasty,Qin Hou led his troops to rebell in 1371.After seven battles with the govenment troops in the area of Zhangjiajie,the King Tusi of Qin Hou was caught by the government to the capital city of Nanjing in Jun ,1371.And he was killed by the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang,and his skins were cut to be made a drum at last on the date 6 Jun,1371. Heared from the news of Qin Hou's death, Tujia people made a tomb without body but clothes for him in his hometown of Maogang Village, today's Wohudong Park,neayby Maoyan River,about 10km from Downtown Zhangjiajie.

 Double Six Festival

▲ Tujia Double Six Festival

The Double Six Festiva, on Jun 6 in each year's Chinese lunar Calendar , is an important festival for Tujia Ethnic Minority.On the day,Tujia people take all clothes outside to dry while the sun is shining so as to celebrate the date of Qing Hou's death.And this is usually called "Shai Longpao" in Chinese.

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