Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility is an important component in love and marriage for Chinese people. Those whose characteristics match each other well can be a good partner in traditional Chinese culture. But if their characteristics did not match each other well, their parents won't agree them to marry with each other. Because, in ancient china, people think that people whose characteristics do not match well will be harmful to each other.
Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility
Zodiac Animal Best Match Worst Match
Rat Ox, or Dragon Horse, Goat, or Rooster
Ox Rat, Snake, Monkey, or Rooster Tiger, Dragon, Horse, or Goat
Tiger Dragon, Horse, Dog, or Pig Ox, Tiger, Snake, or Monkey
Rabbit Goat, Monkey, Dog, or Pig Dragon, Snake, Horse, or Rooster
Dragon Rat, Tiger, Snake, or Rooster Ox, Rabbit, Goat, or Dog
Snake Ox, Dragon, or Rooster Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, or Pig
Horse Tiger, Goat, or Dog Rat, Ox, Rabbit, or Horse
Goat Rabbit, Horse, or Pig Rat, Ox, Dragon, Snake, or Dog
Monkey Ox, or Rabbit Tiger, or Pig
Rooster Ox, Dragon, or Snake Rat, Rabbit, Rooster, or Dog
Dog Tiger, Rabbit, or Horse Dragon, Goat, or Rooster
Pig Tiger, Rabbit, or Goat Snake, or Monkey

Chinese zodiac compatibility chart between different animal signs.

Zodiac Compatibility

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