Jiangsu Cuisine

Jiangsu Cuisine is one of the eight famous Chinese cuisines.Tasting local delicacies should not be forgotten in your journey. Jiangsu Cuisine is one of the eight famous cuisines of China. The special sweet flavor and delicate appearance make the dishes greatly popular. Authentic notable local dishes and snacks can be found in each cities. You’ll never forget the delicious food and friendly service.

What to eat in Jiangsu?
The local cuisine is another incentive for tourists to visit Jiangsu. 'Huaiyang' in style, it is similar to Shanghainese cuisine and makes liberal use of soy, ginger, sugar and Shaoxing wine. ‘Dazha crab’ is the specialty of the region, and in Nanjing salt-cured and pressed duck are delicacies.
Qinhuai Eight Signature Dish Nanjing Salted Duck Daoxiangcun Moon Cake
Huangqiao Sesame Pancake Rugao sausages Rugao Dong Sugar

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