Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac, known as 生肖 (Sheng Xiao), is based on a twelve-year cycle, each year in that cycle related to an animal sign. These signs in order are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. It is calculated according to Chinese lunar calendar.
12 Zodiac Signs
There has been a relationship between human and the 12 zodiacal animals. It is believed that the years represented by the animals affect the characters of people in the same way like the western astrology signs. Click the following signs to know the personalities of persons under different signs. Facts like years, strengths, weaknesses, best matches and fortune of 2020 of each sign are introduced.
 Rat  Tiger  Rabbit 
Dragon Snake  Horse Sheep
Monkey Rooster Dog  Pig

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility
Some signs are perfect matches while some are less compatible or even born opponents. Use the tool to test the compatibility for you and your partner!

  • Best Matches for 12 Signs:
    Rat: Ox, Dragon, Monkey
    Ox: Rat, Monkey, Rooster
    Tiger: Dragon, Horse, Pig
    Rabbit: Sheep, Monkey, Dog, Pig
    Dragon: Rooster, Rat, Monkey
    Snake: Dragon, Rooster
    Horse: Tiger, Sheep, Rabbit
    Sheep: Rabbit, Horse, Pig
    Monkey: Ox, Rabbit
    Rooster: Ox, Snake
    Dog: Rabbit
    Pig: Tiger, Rabbit, Sheep 

Oringe of Chinse Zodiac
Similar to the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches, animals in Chinese zodiac were also created for counting years as the system that is now universally accepted based on the Gregorian calendar. The selection and order of the animals that influence people's lives very much was originated in the Han Dynasty (202BC – 220AD) and based upon each animal's character and living habits. The old-time division was mostly related to number 12: one ji equals 12 years, one year has 12 months, one day has 12 time periods called shi chen. Ancient people observe that there are 12 full moons within one year. So, its origin is associated with astrology. Each animal sign is usually related with an earthly branch, so the animal years were called Zi Rat, Chou Ox, Yin Tiger, Mao Rabbit, Chen Dragon, Si Snake, Wu Horse, Wei Sheep, Shen Monkey, You Rooster, Xu Dog and Hai Pig.
Chinese Zodiac Story
Legend has it that one day the gods ordered that animals be designated as signs of each year and the twelve that arrived first were selected...Chinese Zodiac Story
Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth)
The animal year when a person was born is called his / her Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth). The distinctive zodiacal way of calculating years based on the lunar calendar decides that every once in every twelve-year cycle people will meet their birth signs.  
Although it sounds a bit superstitious, Chinese people take their year of birth seriously. According to the soothsaying, people in their own Ben Ming Nian may offend “Taisui”, also called the God of Age, so they would suffer a lot of misfortunes, such as sickness, economic loss, physical injuries and obstacles in career. However, there are effective ways to diminish the unlucky impacts. The most popular solution is wearing red underwear, socks or waist belts given by elders, for red is believed to bring them good luck. Some jewelry accessories may also help, such as pendants and bracelets with auspicious images.
12 Zodiac Signs and Time
  Hours Description
Rat Zi Shi: 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. This is the time rats actively seek food.
Ox Chou Shi: 1 to 3 a.m. This is the time that oxen ruminate.
Tiger Yin Shi: 3 to 5 a.m. Tigers hunt prey and display fiercest nature.
Rabbit Mao Shi: 5 to 7 a.m. The Jade Rabbit on the moon is busy pounding medicinal herb with a pestle.
Dragon Chen Shi: 7 to 9 a.m. Dragons are hover in the sky at that time to give people rainfall.
Snake Si Shi: 9 to 11 a.m. Snakes start to leave their burrows.
Horse Wu Shi: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. With the sun high above, other animals are lying down for a noon break while the unconstrained horse is still vigorous.
Sheep Wei Shi: 1 to 3 p.m. It is said that if sheep ate grass at this time, they would grow stronger.
Monkey Shen Shi: 3 to 5 p.m. Monkeys become lively.
Rooster You Shi: 5 to 7 p.m. Roosters return to their roost as it is dark.
Dog Xu Shi: 7 to 9 p.m. Dogs begin to carry out their duty to guard entrances.
Pig Hai Shi: 9 to 11 p.m. All is quiet and pigs are sleeping soundly.

You can use the zodiac calculator to search for your Chinese zodiac animal sign. Select your Gregorian date of birth, and you'll reveal your date of birth according to the lunar calendar, together with your sign.You can also find out your zodiac sign from Chinese zodiac years chart. 

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