Liaoning Toursim

Liaoning has a number of sites of scenic and historical interest, including three designated by UNESCO in 2004 as World Heritage sites: the Imperial Palace of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12) in Shenyang, added to the site (designated 1987) encompassing the Forbidden City in Beijing; three tombs of Manchu rulers near Shenyang, also added to an existing site (designated 2000) preserving tombs of the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing dynasties in other provinces; and ruins of one of the capital cities of the ancient Koguryŏ kingdom at Wunu Mountain in eastern Liaoning, which were collectively designated with other Koguryŏ city sites and tombs in neighbouring Jilin province.

In addition, the easternmost section of the extant Great Wall (named a World Heritage site in 1987) runs along the southwestern corner of the province.
Famous local handicrafts, such as jade carvings from Xiuyan, agates from Jinzhou, and shell carvings and glassware from Dalian, are also of great interest to the large numbers of tourists who visit the province annually.

A trip to Liaoning is full of endless surprises every day. What you want to see can be found in this city including charming seascape, long coastlines, many natural scenic spots, tourist resorts and historical sites such as the imperial mausoleums, palaces, temples and ancient city sites.

You are welcome to Liaoning!

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