Tomour Peak Natural Reserve

Tomour-Peak-4.jpgTomour Peak is situated in the north of Wensu County, in Aksu Prefecture of Xinjiang Region. Tomur Peak is the tallest peak of the Tianshan Mountains with an elevation of 7435 meters, and also the largest modern glacial area of China

In 1980, the Tomur Peak Natural Reserve, covering an area of 1,000 square kilometers, was established. There are not only unique natural sights but also numberless rare and valuable wild animals, like the Tianshan red deer, snow chicken, marmot, yak, brown bear, snow leopard and black stork, and the latter two are listed as the animals under the first standard protection of the State. The area around the Tomour Peak is also an important zone of forest resources and a famous scenic spot for mountaineering exploration and scientific expedition.

Travel Tips
Add: in the north of Wensu County, in Aksu Prefecture of Xinjiang Region
Opening Hours:10:00-18:00
Entrance Fee: CNY 60

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